Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Advantages and Disadvantages of the Plug-In Profit Site Program
by Suzanne Morrison

The Plug-In Profit Site is a popular business opportunity and over 20,000 people have joined over the last 5 years or so. I was one of these people, hungry to make money online but with no idea how to do it.

Four years on, I am a bit older and a bit wiser and I have become one of the lucky few who is earning enough online to quit my job and start working full time in my pajamas.

If you are wondering "is the Plug-In Profit Site right for me?" or "what are the pros and cons of this opportunity?" then this article should help answer your questions.

While this was the perfect opportunity for me to get started with, I do recognize that everyone is different and what worked for me won't necessarily work for you. To help you get a better understanding of this opportunity I will start by summarising what it is all about and then go on to explain what the advantages and disadvantages are.

In a nutshell the Plug-In Profit Site is a home based business opportunities website created by Stone Evans, promoting five different home business programs. At the time of writing these are Host4Profit, Success University, Strong Future International (SFI).

The site is free as long as you host on Host4Profit and you can choose whether to join all five programs or just a subset of them. Some of the opportunities are free to join whilst others charge a fee.

When you apply for a Plug-In Profit Site you will receive a home business website, a series of autoresponder messages to follow up on your subscribers, access to a helpdesk and a member support forum plus a "30 days to success" training guide.

Advantages of the Plug-In Profit Site

(1) Residual Income - all the programs promoted on the Plug-In Profit Site pay residual income which means that by making one sale you can receive a commission every month. An example of this is Host4Profit hosting, which pays $10 commission per month for every customer you sign up, for as long as they remain with Host4Profit.

(2) Website Built within 24hrs - as long as you submit all your information correctly you will receive your website within 24hrs or less. Normally when you build a website there is a long period of research and it takes a lot of time and effort or money to built the site. With the Plug-In Profit site you can get started promoting your site straight away without having to worry about this.

(3) Customizable Site - as long as you know some HTML or are able to use a free website editor such as NVU you can make changes to your website. This could include adding or removing programs, adding an introduction or photo or adding new pages. Alternatively there are affordable services available from various people to enhance your website e.g. by changing the color, adding new pages and products or optimizing it.

(4) Top Notch Support Network - you will receive a day by day training guide, access to a members support forum and a support helpdesk. If it is one on one mentoring you are after then a group caled PIPS Power Group can provide online coaching at an affordable price.

Disadvantages of the Plug-In Profit Site

(1) Many of the programs within the Plug-In profit Site are MLMs(Multi Level Marketing Programs) which means that you will earn a proportion of the commissions for every person that signs up under you. I personally don't see this as a problem but many people do not like MLMs so I have included this as a disadvantage.

(2) You are not going to make money overnight. Unless you are an experienced internet marketer with a well established website or a big list it is unlikely that you will make money overnight or within the first few weeks. There is a learning curve and you will have to spend some time and effort promoting your website.

(3) Some technical knowledge required to change your website - although your website is fully customizable you do need to either learn some basic HTML OR use a web page editor like NVU to make changes to your website. You also have the option of paying someone to make changes to your webiste. If you do not want to make any changes yourself or pay to have someone make changes it will be more difficult to have success with this website.

(4) It is not free - although the site will be built for you for free, the minimum running cost is $15 a year plus $24.95 per month for hosting. If money is tight and you can barely afford to live then this is not for you.

These are the main advantages and disadvantages of the Plug-In Profit site. I hope this balanced review of the Plug-In Profit Site will help you to decide whether this is the right business opportunity for you.

About the Author:
Suzanne Morrison works from home full time on the internet. She is the webmaster of and an online mentor at the PIPS Power Group -